30 Day The Gift Of Gratitude Challenge

~ All you are searching for is within you ~

No matter what part of the world you are in, or what challenges you are facing right now, know that you can change the way you see your life and yourself in any given moment. Because true happiness does not come from anything external or outside of you, but comes from within, and how you feel about yourself and your life. That is why any change you want to create in your life starts from you and only YOU. We invite you to join this beautiful challenge of bringing more gratitude, joy, and appreciation to your life so you can create even more things in your life to be grateful for.

This course will help you:

  • To bring more joy and appreciation to your life.

  • To understand how truly blessed you are - even if you can't see it at the moment.

  • To boost the way you feel about yourself and your life.

  • To bring a sense of self - connection and connection to others.

  • To give back and make a difference.

  • Create more beautiful things in your life.

How will you participate

This journey starts from your commitment to show up daily. 

You will have access to the daily inspirational posts, videos, and quotes, and also a booklet that will help you get started. 

This course will help you to bring your focus back to all that you already have in your life, and notice all the miracles within you and around you, that you may have stopped appreciating or simply haven't noticed yet.

This program continues for 30 days, and you can repeat it as many times as you like. This means you can continue this journey for a year, or even longer! Imagine how your life would look if you would bring more gratitude and appreciation to yourself and your life every single day? How much happier would you be? And with this attitude, how much of an impact would you make on people around you? 

We are so excited for you to take on this journey, and we thank you for bringing more gratitude to your life and the life of others.

The benefits of practising Gratitude:

  • When you start focusing on what you have in life - instead of what what you think you are lacking - you will bring more gratitude to your heart, and this creates a more beautiful and fulfilling life.

  • No matter what the circumstances you are in right now, you can still find so many reasons to be grateful. Whatever you keep your focus on will grow.

  • The more you practice being grateful, the better you will feel about yourself and your life. And the more you feel good about yourself, the more you will want to continue to feel grateful : )

  • The more grateful you are, the more grateful people you will attract into your life. Together we can inspire each other, and share all our ideas and ways of bringing more Gratitude to our hearts and lives.

  • When you fill your own "cup" with gratitude and appreciation, it will feel like it wants to overflow. This will not only impact your life in a positive way, but also everyone around you will be touched by your positive attitude, gratitude and appreciation.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Welcome to the Gift Of Gratitude Challenge

    • Welcome Video : )

    • How to do the Challenge

    • The Gift Of Gratitude Booklet

  • 2

    Day 1

    • Day 1 - I am grateful for my family.

    • Video 1

    • Inspiration Of The Day

  • 3

    Day 2

    • Day 2 - I am grateful for my pets and all animals.

    • Video 2

    • Inspiration Of The Day

  • 4

    Day 3

    • Day 3 - I am grateful for all those who helped me in my life.

    • Video 3

    • Inspiration Of The Day

  • 5

    Day 4

    • Day 4 - I am grateful for my health and body.

    • Video 4

    • Inspiration Of The Day

  • 6

    Day 5

    • Day 5 - I am grateful for my senses.

    • Video 5

    • Inspiration Of The Day

  • 7

    Day 6

    • Day 6 - I am grateful for all that supports my wellbeing.

    • Video 6

    • Inspiration Of The Day

  • 8

    Day 7

    • Day 7 - I am grateful for the impact of food on my life.

    • Video 7

    • Inspiration Of The Day

  • 9

    Day 8

    • Day 8 - I am grateful to all the people involved in bringing food to my plate.

    • Video 8

    • Inspiration Of The Day

  • 10

    Day 9

    • Day 9 - I am grateful for my job and all that it provides for me.

    • Video 9

    • Inspiration Of The Day

  • 11

    Day 10

    • Day 10 - I am grateful for the people who provide services for me.

    • Video 10

    • Inspiration Of The Day

  • 12

    Day 11

    • Day 11 - I am grateful for the bills that come in.

    • Video 11

    • Inspiration Of The Day

  • 13

    Day 12

    • Day 12 - I am grateful for all the things I've been given growing up.

    • Video 12

    • Inspiration Of The Day

  • 14

    Day 13

    • Day 13 - I am grateful for the experience of covid because...

    • Video 13

    • Inspiration Of The Day

  • 15

    Day 14

    • Day 14 - I am grateful for nature.

    • Video 14

    • Inspiration Of The Day

  • 16

    Day 15

    • Day 15 - I am grateful for my home and every day things.

    • Video 15

    • Inspiration Of The Day

  • 17

    Day 16

    • Day 16 - I am grateful for my city/town/countryside where I live.

    • Video 16

    • Inspiration Of The Day

  • 18

    Day 17

    • Day 17 - I am grateful for my country, culture and traditions.

    • Video 17

    • Inspiration Of The Day

  • 19

    Day 18

    • Day 18 - I am grateful for my dreams that came true.

    • Video 18

    • Inspiration Of The Day

  • 20

    Day 19

    • Day 19 - I am grateful for my feelings and emotions.

    • Video 19

    • Inspiration Of The Day

  • 21

    Day 20

    • Day 20 - I am grateful for the challenges that helped me to grow.

    • Video 20

    • Inspiration Of The Day

  • 22

    Day 21

    • Day 21 - I am grateful for who I am as a person.

    • Video 21

    • Inspiration Of The Day

  • 23

    Day 22

    • Day 22 - I am grateful for my inner child.

    • Video 22

    • Inspiration Of The Day

  • 24

    Day 23

    • Day 23 - I am grateful for where I am and where I've come from.

    • Video 23

    • Inspiration Of The Day

  • 25

    Day 24

    • Day 24 - I am grateful for the impact that my job has on others.

    • Video 24

    • Inspiration Of The Day

  • 26

    Day 25

    • Day 25 - I am grateful for the appreciation I receive from others - PART A

    • Video 25

    • Questions

    • Inspiration Of The Day

  • 27

    Day 26

    • Day 26 - I am grateful for an unexpected event.

    • Video 26

    • Inspiration Of The Day

  • 28

    Day 27

    • Day 27 - I am grateful for the health, wealth or happiness of another.

    • Video 27

    • Inspiration Of The Day

  • 29

    Day 28

    • Day 28 - I am grateful for the appreciation I receive from others - Part B

    • Video 28

    • Inspiration Of The Day

  • 30

    Day 29

    • Day 29 - I am grateful for my desires that are coming true.

    • Video 29

    • Inspiration Of The Day

  • 31

    Day 30 - Thank You

    • Day 30 - I am grateful for the Gratitude Challenge.

    • Video 30

    • Inspiration Of The Day

    • Thank You xx

Kind words from students:

This challenge has blown open my gratitude for everything .

Scott J.

I came into this 30 day challenge with little to no expectations. My main focus was to find some gratitude for myself. This challenge has blown open my gratitude for everything that is linked to my everyday life including me. By finding gratitude for others and the impact that they have on me has allowed me to hold gratitude for myself. This has largely been through raising my awareness through the daily dedicated gratitude challenges. I highly recommend this for everyone not just people looking to find gratitude! Thank you Hanna and Robert this has been amazing!

…beyond grateful.

Ursa P.

I would recommend this challenge to everyone who is struggling in life as well as to everyone who is in flow. This challenge opened my eyes in a sense of how much we are focusing on the things that we don’t have instead of what we have achieved so far. I must say that I live my life so much fuller after this and I will continue practicing gratitude in the future as well. It is a massive game changer for me. Thank you to Hanna and Robert for making an effort to start with this beautiful challenge as it is a big eye opener for me♥️ …beyond grateful 🍀

The Gratitude Challenge has changed how I see or experience my life and myself.

Jasmina J.

The Gratitude Challenge has changed how I see or experience my life and myself. By building awareness around appreciation for all different areas of life I actually became even more aware of how great my life is. I realised there is no reason for me to be wanting more as I already have everything I need. This Challenge has also pushed me to start surrendering to how other people see me and to really start believing that people are grateful for who I am and to be part of their lives.

This challenge really opened my eyes and my heart to all the wonderful things around me.

Cayla P.

I loved participating in this challenge - it really opened my eyes and my heart to all the wonderful things around me that I had been taking for granted. I enjoyed the accountability of doing it every day and after the challenge I look at things differently. I highly recommend it to everyone. Thank you Hanna and Rob for providing this beautiful course to the world and sharing your magic with us.

This was almost the only thing that was keeping me afloat these days!

Aniya Dežman

I am really proud of myself for following through and not giving up! Actually, this was almost the only thing that was keeping me afloat these days! I loved the structure of the challenge because I took everything into the account and got to learn so much about myself and others! You kept motivating us to look deeper to see if there’s still something left to be grateful for 😊 Sometimes you really need such push to pull you forward. Thank you for the effort! Great job and I hope you’ll come up with another challenge soon, Hanna & Robert!